There are a VERY few players (still active) where you can hear a dozen measures of improvised playing and go...I know who that is. EVH is one for sure; Vai is another. Both of these guys do it with technique and tone...Uli does it with pure tone. Listen at 7:15> ...tone. The most underrated player on the planet.
wow! I never listen to this guy play i thought i was gonna here some old timer play some run down version of jimmy not this guy he is great! Great playing!
You don't need to be a Guitar player to benefit from the Sky academy. Uli truly explains balance in life, art and in all things. As a photographer Uli has helped me fine tune and see things to create the best images possible.
That guitar must have 30 frets available to him on the high E!!! on average 8 frets more, which gives him another whole octave to utilize!!
...and the "sky guitar" with 7 strings...Uli you never cease to amaze me!!