Jah kingdom come, jah kingdom come
jah kingdom come
Tell the people the truth, jah kingdom come
Teach the children the truth, your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come
Your kingdom fall down, your kingdom fall down
Your kingdom fall down, teachers tell the youth the truth Twinkle, your kingdom fall down
woe unto you all false preachers
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come
jah kingdom come this day
Teach the children the truth, jah kingdom come
Woe unto you all false preachers, jah kingdom come this day
Let them know them culture, your kingdom fall down
tell the people the truth
You love to be great and respectable, how terrible it shall be for you politicians, you love to be great and respectable
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down
Your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come this day, your kingdom fall down
Jah kingdom come, how terrible it shall be for you politicians
You love to be great and respectable, your kingdom fall down
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come
Jah kingdom come, woe unto you all false preachers Come, jah kingdom come
Your kingdom fall down, let them know them history
Your kingdom fall down, let them know them history, you love to be great and respectable
Tell the people the truth, your kingdom fall down Brothers, jah kingdom come
stop tek righteousness and turn it into politics
Your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down
woe unto you all false preachers
Teachers tell the youth the truth, your kingdom fall down
Woe unto you all false preachers, jah kingdom come this day
Teach the children the truth, let them know them history, woe unto you all false preachers
jah kingdom come
Your kingdom fall down, how terrible it shall be for you politicians
Jah kingdom come, teachers tell the youth the truth, your kingdom fall down
why don t you practice what you preach
Jah kingdom come, jah kingdom come Jah, jah kingdom come
Jah kingdom come, you tek righteousness and turn it into politics
jah kingdom come
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down Come, jah kingdom come
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down Jah, your kingdom fall down
your kingdom fall down
jah kingdom come
Let them know them history, teach the youth the truth
jah kingdom come
your kingdom fall down
Your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come, woe unto you all false preachers
Jah kingdom come, woe unto you all false preachers
Jah kingdom come, your kingdom fall down
Your kingdom fall down, jah kingdom come
You tek righteousness and turn it into politics, stop tek righteousness and turn it into politics, your kingdom fall down
In public places, your kingdom fall down