Will sing their poems at breakneck speed, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
They re taking lyrics from the teddy boys, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh Writing, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Anarchy with a note attached ooo ooo ooo, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh Love, but the eyeliner is key
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Abbreviate the longish names, they re mixing up the bag hey, they re mixing up the bag hey
they sing attack
but the eyeliner is key
abbreviate the longish names
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, abbreviate the longish names
Don t know much about those weekend punks, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, they sing attack
They sing attack, they re mixing up the bag hey
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Abbreviate the longish names, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
uno seats in the photographs ahh ahh ahhhhhhh
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, but the eyeliner is key
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
But i ve heard they have a claim to fame, they re taking lyrics from the teddy boys
Uno seats in the photographs ahh ahh ahhhhhhh, uno seats in the photographs ahh ahh ahhhhhhh Are, avoid the voidoids and their curse ooo ooo
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, you want your record on the radio
They re mixing up the bag hey, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh Writing, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, they re mixing up the bag hey, the sort-of clever and nostalgic ones
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, abbreviate the longish names
You want your record on the radio, they re mixing up the bag hey, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
but the eyeliner is key
Abbreviate the longish names, poetry from the cul-de-sacs ooo ooo ooo
Abbreviate the longish names, they re mixing up the bag hey
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Street fights and open mikes, they re taking lyrics from the teddy boys Songs, street fights and open mikes
Abbreviate the longish names, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, will sing their poems at breakneck speed
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh Songs, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
The punks are writing love songs oh-oh, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
They re mixing up the bag hey, avoid the voidoids and their curse ooo ooo, don t know much about those weekend punks
where the bar chords meet the beats ooo ooo
Poetry from the cul-de-sacs ooo ooo ooo, will sing their poems at breakneck speed, and a ringtone by the saints ooo ooo
poetry from the cul-de-sacs ooo ooo ooo
You d better sweeten up that verse, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
They re mixing up the bag hey, you can bet that hearts will beat ooo ooo
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Abbreviate the longish names, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh, where the bar chords meet the beats ooo ooo
the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
But i ve heard they have a claim to fame, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
and a ringtone by the saints ooo ooo
Poetry from the cul-de-sacs ooo ooo ooo, they re taking lyrics from the teddy boys, the punks are writing love songs oh-oh
Anarchy with a note attached ooo ooo ooo, but the eyeliner is key