The energy and the intensity of this song is just way beyond! Their voices are the ultimate!Loved it back in the day, love it now. Always will. What a fantastic song!
I was also at THIS gig. That lighting flash during this song was very blinding, it happened so fast and took my eyes a minute or so to see again... Lol. Rush also had a blinding flash when I saw them (Several times) during their Permanent Waves tour. It came during the song "Spirit of Radio", right when Geddy Lee sang... "CONCERT HALL"...
i was there at this show in providence, second row floor, they filmed the video after the concert, i remember rik emmet burned his hair getting to close to a flash pot explosion , and had to go backstage for a bit to get checked out, and all those hot girls in the first few rows werent actually at the concert they were selectively placed into the first few rows ,,, triumph was a great band for sure