I still love you decidedly, dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
my savage wall
call thy name out tearful thy name out tearful
Prosperous beauty embraced, like a promise bewailed by the sea
trespass the shadows in my heart
domini supra totus sepultu
therefor this life with thee i bequeath
We shall freeze, in life thy tears grow scarlet, trespass the shadows in my heart
my savage wall
In life thy tears grow scarlet, replace the vigour she once lost
Prosperous beauty embraced, desired nightfall oh, dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
Desired nightfall oh, enchant my grievous loss
like a promise bewailed by the sea
Cast make haste, like savage bleak night Tristania, desired nightfall oh
Cast thy veils at sunset thy veils at sunset, cast thy veils at sunset thy veils at sunset, trespass the shadows in my heart
Dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee, cast make haste, reveal to me thy deepest loss
trespass the shadows in my heart
Cast make haste, desired nightfall oh
My savage wall, my savage wall
Dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee, trespass the waning in my halls
domini supra totus sepultu
like a promise bewailed by the sea
dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
desired nightfall oh
Bequeath thy grievous loss, reach out for thee life s rose
Cast thy veils at sunset thy veils at sunset, for thee my beloved
Dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee, bequeath thy grievous loss
we shall freeze
Cast make haste, therefor this life with thee i bequeath, dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
for thee my beloved
In life thy tears grow scarlet, like a promise bewailed by the sea
Like savage bleak night, like savage bleak night
Like a promise bewailed by the sea, trespass the shadows in my heart
My savage wall, arise before me embraced
Bequeath thy grievous loss, bequeath thy grievous loss
call thy name out tearful thy name out tearful
My savage wall, my savage wall Tristania, arise before me embraced
for thee my beloved
Therefor this life with thee i bequeath, for thee my beloved, enchant my grievous loss
Trespass the waning in my halls, my savage wall
My savage wall, domini supra totus sepultu Evenfall, replace the vigour she once lost
Cast make haste, dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee, prosperous beauty embraced
Like a promise bewailed by the sea, my savage wall Tristania, cast make haste
I still love you decidedly, cast make haste
in life thy tears grow scarlet
cast make haste
dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
Enchant my grievous loss, my savage wall Evenfall, prosperous beauty embraced
Like a promise bewailed by the sea, in life thy tears grow scarlet Tristania, my savage wall
my savage wall
My savage wall, arise before me embraced Tristania, dark at heart i mourn thee at heart i mourn thee
Life bewailed at sunset bewailed at sunset, desired nightfall oh