laying down the facts what it s like to be black
If you get in the way, living in this country well i ve got pray
they ve been after him for too damn wrong
Born to rage against the racist machine, and the bomb they dropped
And the bomb they dropped, they ve been after him for too damn wrong Tree, no matter what s right or wrong
because they crucify a christ every single day
They ve been after him for too damn wrong, because they crucify a christ every single day
Not treated like a human being, living in this country well i ve got pray
That s capitol punishment american style, you can cage my body but my spirit flies free
No matter what s right or wrong, that s capitol punishment american style, a voice of reason in all this insanity
You get in the way you get wasted, a love for life is something that he proved
Wrote about john africa, a voice of reason in all this insanity
You get in the way you get wasted, if you get in the way
burned down a city block
burned down a city block
no matter what s right or wrong
That s capitol punishment american style, living in this country well i ve got pray
They ll execute an innocent man, you can cage my body but my spirit flies free Way, wrote about the philly cops
they ve done it once they ll do it again
Burned down a city block, a voice of reason in all this insanity
No matter what s right or wrong, they lock him up to shut him up found guilty in philly for shooting a cop
That s capitol punishment american style, if you get in the way
Living in this country well i ve got pray, wrote about the philly cops Tree, laying down the facts what it s like to be black
living in this country well i ve got pray
So quick to execute before they give a new trial, you get in the way you get wasted, if you get in the way
and the bomb they dropped
because they crucify a christ every single day
they ll execute an innocent man
They ve been after him for too damn wrong, burned down a city block, they ve been after him for too damn wrong
a black panther at the age of fifteen
no matter what s right or wrong
You get in the way you get wasted, so quick to execute before they give a new trial
Burned down a city block, if you get in the way
Born to rage against the racist machine, they ve been after him for too damn wrong In, you get in the way you get wasted
Wrote about john africa, evidence of innocence but charges don t drop Way, evidence of innocence but charges don t drop
If you get in the way, they ve done it once they ll do it again, living in this country well i ve got pray
They ve done it once they ll do it again, you get in the way you get wasted In, laying down the facts what it s like to be black
sabo let the heads roll
death row what a brother know
Evidence of innocence but charges don t drop, he wrote about move
so quick to execute before they give a new trial
that s capitol punishment american style
Wrote about john africa, no matter what s right or wrong
Sabo let the heads roll, that s capitol punishment american style
you get in the way you get wasted
They ve been after him for too damn wrong, wrote about john africa The, if you get in the way
They lock him up to shut him up found guilty in philly for shooting a cop, he wrote about move
And the bomb they dropped, you get in the way you get wasted
Laying down the facts what it s like to be black, death row what a brother know Tree, your bars made of steel can not hold what feel
So the lock him yeah they lock him up in maximum security, they ve done it once they ll do it again
A love for life is something that he proved, not treated like a human being, wrote about the philly cops
That s capitol punishment american style, living in this country well i ve got pray
So quick to execute before they give a new trial, so quick to execute before they give a new trial
he wrote about move
He wrote about move, wrote about the philly cops
A black panther at the age of fifteen, if you get in the way
So the lock him yeah they lock him up in maximum security, your bars made of steel can not hold what feel Way, wrote about john africa