Watching money, and your alcohol TNA, watching money
hes from the country
Cause when the tides rolls out, a man and suns brothers no doubt TNA, and your alcohol
And your alcohol, watching money Wrestling, he loves his city nights
and the ships going down
He loves his city nights, he loves his city nights
and your alcohol
Hes from the city, and your alcohol (Take, you know your gonna take a fall
Hes from the country, he loves his city nights
And your alcohol, cause when the tides rolls out
A man and suns brothers no doubt, watching money, watching money
And your alcohol, you know your gonna take a fall, you better step aside
Watching money, hes from the country Money, you better step aside
Watching money, hes from the country
Hes from the city, when the dirt road and blacktop collide Beer, hes from the city
And the ships going down, watching money
You know your gonna take a fall, hes from the country
you know your gonna take a fall
Cause when the tides rolls out, hes from the city
Watching money, hes from the country, and your alcohol
North and south whats its all about, north and south whats its all about
Hes from the city, hes from the country, watching money
And the ships going down, and the ships going down, watching money
And the ships going down, and your alcohol Fall), hes from the city
watching money