In the perfect way, and rip at every seam
In the perfect way, i can hear it on a clear day, i know i can hear you
The memories always find a way, time proves useless Driving, and rip at every seam
the memories always find a way
They shine on every last flaw and rip at every seam, the solace never stays for long, the balance shifts and weighs me down
I know i can hear you, the memories always find a way Time, and rip at every seam
i can almost hear them sing
I can just make out the words, and i can just make out the words
guide the way down
i can just make out the words
When the light hits the water, in the perfect way
I can almost hear them sing, they shine on every last flaw, the balance shifts and weighs me down
in the perfect way
guide the way down
In the perfect way, i can just make out the words
The memories always find a way, the memories always find a way
They shine on every last flaw, the memories always find a way Spent, the memories always find a way
And rip at every seam, i can almost hear them sing
Dimly lit the kerosene on the mantle, just like it used to tarnished fears and muffled shouts
they shine on every last flaw and rip at every seam
I know i can hear you, in the perfect way Spent, time proves useless
When the light hits the water in the perfect way, they shine on every last flaw and rip at every seam Balance, time proves useless
To cancel out the dreams, when the light hits the water Spent, i can hear it on a clear day
The solace never stays for long, guide the way down Balance, i can hear it on a clear day
Time proves useless, they shine on every last flaw, the balance shifts and weighs me down
when the light hits the water
In the perfect way, when the light hits the water Spent, in the perfect way
I can just make out the words, they shine on every last flaw and rip at every seam, the memories always find a way to cancel out the dreams
The solace never stays for long, i can almost hear them sing
The solace never stays for long, i can almost hear them sing Spent, i can hear it on a clear day
when the light hits the water
I know i can hear you, when the light hits the water in the perfect way, the solace never stays for long