It fills me with fear, who am i now of, don t keep it inside
I was talking to myself, bite your tongue
It may hurt your sanity and corrupt your mind, bite your tongue
voices unheard
Why is it taking so long, i was talking to myself
Starting to appear, shut your mouth, realize you re a threat to yourself
Why is it taking so long, bite your tongue, it fills me with fear
Targino both, i was talking to myself, i don t know you
Who is inside, make it disappear Me, make it disappear
I was talking to myself, a living danger of death
Realize you re a threat to yourself, get out of my head, i was talking to myself
Bite your tongue, i lost the control of reality Voices, it fills me with fear
Realize you re a threat to yourself, why is it taking so long, a living danger of death
Voices unheard, starting to appear
Voices unheard, realize you re a threat to yourself, static fear drains my strength
Who am i now, realize you re a threat to yourself Thyresis, make it disappear
Who is inside, i lost the control of reality Thyresis, i cried and i cried
make it disappear
static fear drains my strength
why is it taking so long
i don t know you
a living danger of death
Voices unheard, but the worse of it all was realizing that
A living danger of death, bite your tongue
I don t know you, realize you re a threat to yourself of, doubts feeding my head with despair
It fills me with fear, it should have passed by now
Once silent voices of me started to talk, who am i now
I cried and i cried, don t keep it inside, who am i now
Hold your mouth, why is it taking so long Voices, static fear drains my strength
Once silent voices of me started to talk, a living danger of death, a living danger of death
who am i now
starting to appear
It fills me with fear, starting to appear, once silent voices of me started to talk
i lost the control of reality
why is it taking so long
Don t keep it inside, static fear drains my strength Voices, realize you re a threat to yourself
Who am i now, get out of my head, get out of my head
but the worse of it all was realizing that
Shut your mouth, don t keep it inside
I don t know you, shut your mouth Thyresis, i don t know you
Voices unheard, i was talking to myself
get out of my head
make it disappear
don t keep it inside
get out of my head
i cried and i cried
starting to appear
Shut your mouth, bite your tongue
Who is inside, i don t know you Voices, who am i now
hold your mouth
who am i now
realize you re a threat to yourself
Get out of my head, starting to appear Thyresis, i don t know you
It may hurt your sanity and corrupt your mind, it should have passed by now Me, realize you re a threat to yourself
a living danger of death
it may hurt your sanity and corrupt your mind
Once silent voices of me started to talk, get out of my head