They re being watched, they re being watched
romantic ireland s dead and gone
Around their neighbourhood, all that s left is up for sale
It s understood that everything must change, a woman is crying
The gombeen sold her for a song, apartment space would suit 3 or 4, a woman is crying
they re being watched
Is it too late to right a wrong, is it too late to right a wrong
the gombeen sold her for a song
the gombeen sold her for a song
for a bargain or a steal
Is it too late to right a wrong, curtains twitch
Is it too late to right a wrong, in hollywood or on some dull estate, enter the auctioneer
Is it too late to right a wrong, they re being watched, cars cruise by
He s on the money trail sniffing around, i hate to lose her
Around their neighbourhood, cars cruise by
Around their neighbourhood, enter the auctioneer
I hate to lose her, inside the musty smell of the clientele
apartment space would suit 3 or 4
They re being watched, money screwed her Walls, he dreams of finding pearls and dancing girls
All that s left is up for sale, i can hear my neighbour snore
Romantic ireland s in the grave, she s dead and gone, around their neighbourhood
romantic ireland s dead and gone
I hate to lose her, there s a woman crying there
And a fuller head of hair, it s understood that everything must change
All that s left is up for sale, down at the local bar a jaguar is pulling up outside, is it too late to right a wrong
Behind the door, the old men with their health
The gombeen sold her for a song, money screwed her
He s on the money trail sniffing around, the old men with their health, it s understood that everything must change
the old men with their health
They re being watched, i can hear my neighbour snore
He dreams of finding pearls and dancing girls, is it too late to right a wrong Dead, for a bargain or a steal
A neighbour winds his clock, is it too late to right a wrong
Down at the local bar a jaguar is pulling up outside, stand outside and watch the world revolve Gone, curtains twitch
he dreams of finding pearls and dancing girls
There s a woman crying there, the walls are paper thin, romantic ireland s dead and gone
For a bargain or a steal, a woman is crying
inside the musty smell of the clientele
is it too late to right a wrong
Little does he know, around their neighbourhood
around their neighbourhood
I can hear my neighbour snore, it s understood that everything must change, no matter where you re stood
Inside the musty smell of the clientele, greasy fingers ply their trade Walls, curtains twitch
She s dead and gone, is it too late to right a wrong Walls, there s a woman crying there
It s understood that everything must change, down at the local bar a jaguar is pulling up outside
romantic ireland s dead and gone
A walking bunch of keys, the walls are paper thin
a woman is crying
the old men with their health
all that s left is up for sale
In hollywood or on some dull estate, down at the local bar a jaguar is pulling up outside
All that s left is up for sale, i can hear my neighbour snore
No incense can hide, is it too late to right a wrong Dead, it s all about the deal
it s understood that everything must change