The Vines - Black Dragon free for downloading

  • Artist: The Vines
  • Song: Black Dragon
  • Music Genre: Pop
  • Length: 03:31
  • Filesize: 6.6MB
  • Kbps: 256Kbps
Download The Vines - Black Dragon

Top songs The Vines

# Song Kbps Length
1 The Vines - Highly Evolved 192 01:35
2 The Vines - Ride 192 02:36
3 The Vines - Spaceship 320 06:11
4 The Vines - Winning Days 256 03:38


N0 G1

2020-09-01 04:41:12 | Profile
This makes me want to hijack a rocket


2020-06-23 23:09:08 | Profile
I wonder what he means with "Take a ride on the Black Dragon".....


2020-06-18 21:08:49 | Profile
How many of you came here from Borderlands?

Стас Нечаев

2020-06-17 10:45:00 | Profile
This song could be a big success in 90s.It sounds very great.

ywes nuo

2020-06-08 16:48:44 | Profile
This song is about heroin not a game my own 15 year old plays video games and he knows that

Борис Хлуднев

2020-06-05 12:26:10 | Profile
Wilhelm as The EnforcerAthena as The Gladiator Nisha as The LawbringerJack as The Doppelganger Aurelia as The Baroness Claptrap as A Mistake

Pavel Bokovikov

2020-05-28 02:31:43 | Profile
The sheer amount of hipsters in this comment section complaining about borderlands fansLike your comments are any more fuckin interesting


2020-05-10 22:44:21 | Profile
Just was at the 24 hour rolex race. The lead car was black and this song was stuck in my head.

Jill Duska

2020-05-07 08:54:59 | Profile
This isn’t the song I’m looking for but yet I keep finding it. The song that’s playing while the bandits are chasing and hijacking the rocket? Nobody seems to know what song it is and this isn’t it. This comes after while they’re on the rocket.


2020-05-06 16:09:57 | Profile
thanks epic for borderlands