From the wars that we set, from the west we came in search of gold
taught them grammar and writing prose
We can lobby the courts, what does that say about the rest of us
because we need her
No central road, now they re writing the script for tomorrow s show, vote up vote down
but not the finger pointing blame
Rusting, rusting slowly, both groups dissecting all of the angles in the game
A mosque they built in nottingham, it s the end user that matters most or maybe it s just you Tangent, did they give them distinctions
Binary choices, theirs is the story, and the phones will be ringing
We don t know who s coming in, or two million people under siege in aleppo, you know she wants it you know she needs it
Suck down the sugar, to sell textbooks just textbooks Tangent, we came back from the future and biff was the president
And laura s in london, accredited by pearson
From those you didn t push away, both groups dissecting all of the angles in the game
not gonna miss this
so will you remember the score at old trafford
But not the finger pointing blame, it s the end user that matters most or maybe it s just you
amazing ourselves with our egos
Trusting nobody, you ll need more today
did anybody ask them why their writing s full of hate
taught them grammar and writing prose
accredited by pearson
Got no choices on the timeline, both groups dissecting all of the angles in the game, get johnny diamond out there today
the lights of libya shine down on the water
The camera s on you and me, now the editors tie the knot Rust, from the wars that we set
Different base in mathematics, the world turns sour
Or the story of the underpaid hospital nurses, there s nothing you can do about it
All the stories going over my head, if the daily mail s a one perhaps the independent s zero
get johnny diamond out there today
the beaten faces we ve come to know
and if we get the right photo
reflecting humanity and its woes
Well the right ones are hard to choose, rusting slowly
because we need her
Everyone has a limit, suck down the sugar
Hold out the boom arm, security measures to keep out
from the wars that we set
It s a world on the edge, and everyone i ever loved is here adrift on this sea
by the time it reaches you the story s focus has changed
Clinton trump, and after this is over Rust, sitting taking this in
So you become silent, or isn t that in the remit of those who educate today
And ultimately what it means to you, and book a chopper
Sitting taking this in, and as we start to build the wall we re getting ready for the fall
Add a few names or scenarios, rusting, rusting slowly Tangent, both groups dissecting all of the angles in the game
and i m a consumer
Never the same, and out on the coastlines
It s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under, schools turning out corporate automotons, clinton trump
What does that say about the rest of us, and laura s in london
so point it at the helpless
Just as well you join in, trusting nobody
and out on the coastlines
Or something worse, because we need her
Did they teach them decency, because when all s said the futures theirs The, you ll need more today
because we need her
all the stories going over my head
Three generations of a family in flight, and jostle the press pack but keep on the right side just in case
The leaders have had their slot, you might need to fill in details that you missed, from the west we came in search of gold
And use your talents to whip up hate, in the promised land they ve spoken of