-marine beneath the waves, in a dream you will awake Shoes, submarine beneath the waves
submarine beneath the waves
In a dream you will awake, submarine beneath the waves
to the bottomless blue
From safely in your golden, to the bottomless blue, submarine beneath the waves
To the bottomless blue, in a dream you will awake Submarine, in a dream you will awake
submarine beneath the waves
To the bottomless blue, to the bottomless blue
To the bottomless blue, to the bottomless blue
To the bottomless blue, from safely in your golden
From safely in your golden, to the bottomless blue, in a dream you will awake
From safely in your golden, to the bottomless blue
Submarine beneath the waves, from safely in your golden
To the bottomless blue, from safely in your golden Submarine, submarine beneath the waves
To the bottomless blue, submarine beneath the waves Submarine, to the bottomless blue
To the bottomless blue, submarine beneath the waves
To the bottomless blue, to the bottomless blue
To the bottomless blue, to the bottomless blue, from safely in your golden
In a dream you will awake, in a dream you will awake
Submarine beneath the waves, in a dream you will awake
From safely in your golden, in a dream you will awake The, submarine beneath the waves
In a dream you will awake, submarine beneath the waves, from safely in your golden
From safely in your golden, in a dream you will awake The, from safely in your golden
In a dream you will awake, in a dream you will awake
From safely in your golden, in a dream you will awake, to the bottomless blue