Takes talent to keep up with lyrics, timing changes, and voice inflection on this piece....amazing, since I have basically followed Furs material from only about 1984 and on, I am 'floored' from their earlier material here from 'Forever now' and 'Talk, talk, talk' albums...amazing, Bob at 65. AND I'm old enough from this era to of not caught on then, so..I have no explanation...
Genuinely one of the best songs I've ever heard.
For some extra fun, try lip-syncing to Richard Butler's amazing accent-your jaw gets a workout my friends!
Better than 'Love my way' Todd Rungren's production oversite was 'hands off' on this composition and 'Dumb waiters', which is an extention of 1rst. 2 album material, and Richard Butler's grainier singing delivery.
Interesting in that Richard Butler inflects the phrase 'all this mess' into at least 3 tunes (that I know of) into his 1rst. 3 album tunes. Robert at 65.