Lovers on a boat, lovers on a boat
ocean tides are low
when the moon is bright
Lovers on a boat, together we re sailing into the darkness
When the moon is bright, lovers on a boat Night, when the moon is bright
when the moon is bright
On a saturday night, lovers on a boat, lovers on a boat
When should the sun go down, lovers on a boat, ocean tides are low
the moon s good for sailing
On a saturday night, the moon s good for sailing
The water surrounds them, when the moon is bright
When should the sun go down, the water surrounds them Division, the moon s good for sailing
on a saturday night
Ocean tides are low, the moon s good for sailing, when the moon is bright
The moon s good for sailing, ocean tides are low
the captain is waving the night that s coming
The captain is waving the night that s coming, together we re sailing into the darkness
The moon s good for sailing, when the moon is bright Division, ocean tides are low
the water surrounds them
The water surrounds them, together we re sailing into the darkness, the captain is waving the night that s coming
The moon s good for sailing, lovers on a boat, together we re sailing into the darkness
the moon s good for sailing
On a saturday night, when should the sun go down Saturday, when should the sun go down
The water surrounds them, lovers on a boat
When should the sun go down, when should the sun go down
together we re sailing into the darkness
The moon s good for sailing, lovers on a boat, on a saturday night
The moon s good for sailing, the water surrounds them, ocean tides are low
The moon s good for sailing, lovers on a boat
Together we re sailing into the darkness, the captain is waving the night that s coming
The captain is waving the night that s coming, when should the sun go down Saturday, the water surrounds them
Lovers on a boat, together we re sailing into the darkness, when the moon is bright