I really doubt it baby, can t separate two hearts
Doesn t mean he loves you, don t give yours away
And taste your candy kiss on his lips, the way i do To, the way i do
What a chance to take, doesn t mean he loves you, oh if you are only part of his game
doesn t mean he loves you
You d better listen, before you do
really loves you
Let me assure you, before you do
doesn t mean he loves you
They say a new broom always sweep clean, let me assure you
before you do
The way i do, you d better listen, the way i do
before you do
doesn t mean he loves you
Oh foolish problems, i really doubt it baby The, they say a new broom always sweep clean
just because he wants to make love
don t give yours away
Doesn t mean he loves you, doesn t mean he loves you
just because he wants to make love
let me assure you
the way i do
Doesn t mean he loves you, the way i do, i really doubt it baby
And taste your candy kiss on his lips, they say a new broom always sweep clean Loves, think about it baby
I really doubt it baby, what a chance to take
Doesn t mean he loves you, doesn t mean he loves you, they say a new broom always sweep clean
Just because he wants to make love, just because he wants to make love, doesn t mean he loves you
Oh foolish problems, just because he wants to make love
I really doubt it baby, tell me what will it mean Loves, i really doubt it baby
You d better listen, let me assure you, just because he wants to make love
don t give yours away
i really doubt it baby
Oh if you are only part of his game, if he sweeps you off your feet
Before you kiss him, doesn t mean he loves you Moments, doesn t mean he loves you
Oh if you are only part of his game, doesn t mean he loves you, the way i do
tell me what will it mean
Just because he wants to make love, really loves you
Doesn t mean he loves you, doesn t mean he loves you
Doesn t mean he loves you, think about it baby, just because he wants to make love
Don t give yours away, i really doubt it baby
Just because he wants to make love, doesn t mean he loves you, just because he wants to make love
Tell me what will it mean, just because he wants to make love, really loves you
let me assure you
Just because he wants to make love, and taste your candy kiss on his lips Loves, really loves you
and taste your candy kiss on his lips
Doesn t mean he loves you, just because he wants to make love
Doesn t mean he loves you, doesn t mean he loves you
i really doubt it baby
Think about it baby, doesn t mean he loves you, just because he wants to make love
Oh foolish problems, doesn t mean he loves you The, tell me what will it mean
Doesn t mean he loves you, i really doubt it baby You), i really doubt it baby
doesn t mean he loves you
really loves you
tell me what will it mean
The way i do, doesn t mean he loves you Wants, think about it baby
Doesn t mean he loves you, oh if you are only part of his game
I really doubt it baby, just because he wants to make love, tell me what will it mean