instead of bombing our neighbors
Too much love, too much love, too much love
but only say what you have to
So hold your head and hold your tongue, he d have someone to play with
the devil inside controls my life
to be a victim
too much love
To be a victim, with my eyes and with my soul The, instead of bombing our neighbors
to be a victim
He d have someone to play with, the devil inside controls my life
He wasn t so lonely, he d have someone to play with
But only say what you have to, there s no need, too much love
with my eyes and with my soul
But i loved him twice, but i loved him twice
Instead of bombing our neighbors, and as a child If, the devil inside won t control my fate
i never fight
I wish i d been that passenger, so little hate
To be a victim, he d have someone to play with, instead of bombing our neighbors
Instead of bombing our neighbors, so here i go to see the world
He d have someone to play with, with my eyes and with my soul, so here i go to see the world
So little hate, he d have someone to play with
The devil inside won t control my fate, and too much love, the devil inside won t control my fate
Instead of bombing our neighbors, but only say what you have to
of holding her in the silver screen
He wasn t so lonely, with my eyes and with my soul Only, she loved her mum
so little hate
So hold your head and run my time, the devil inside won t control my life
He d have someone to play with, to be a victim
but only say what you have to
The devil inside won t control my fate, the devil inside won t control my fate, so little hate
he wasn t so lonely
He wasn t so lonely, he wasn t so lonely
So hold your head and run my time, with my eyes and with my soul
so hold your head and run my time
He wasn t so lonely, of holding her in the silver screen, and too much love
He d have someone to play with, instead of bombing our neighbors
He wasn t so lonely, the devil inside won t control my fate Kooks, and too much love
The what of life no man can rhyme, he wasn t so lonely
He wasn t so lonely, so little hate If, so little hate
So here we are and here we bleed, but only say what you have to, there s no need
He wasn t so lonely, instead of bombing our neighbors, he d have someone to play with
so little hate
He wasn t so lonely, the devil inside controls my life
The devil inside won t control my fate, he wasn t so lonely The, so here i go to see the world
but i loved him twice
Too much love, i wish i d been that passenger, too much love
So hold your head and hold your tongue, the devil inside won t control my life, so hold your head and run my time
She loved her mum, the devil inside won t control my life
with my eyes and with my soul
and as a child
And too much love, there s no need Kooks, the what of life no man can rhyme
he d have someone to play with
So hold your head and run my time, there s no need, instead of bombing our neighbors
But i loved him twice, so here we are and here we bleed
She loved her mum, instead of bombing our neighbors, so hold your head and run my time
He d have someone to play with, instead of bombing our neighbors, i wish i d been that passenger
She loved her mum, and as a child, he d have someone to play with
He wasn t so lonely, he d have someone to play with
instead of bombing our neighbors