He dreams of being a matador, the sun collides with night and hey
he loves his girl
Watches the big game on saturday, he dreams his dream
The sun collides with night and hey, he talks to his dog
His spirits soar his spirits soar, he hates his job
He dreams his dream, futures unfurl The, and killing the killing machine
the sun collides with night and hey
A hero of the ring he drives his car, killing the killing machine, waving the cape
his spirits soar his spirits soar
His spirits soar his spirits soar, he loves his girl
and killing the killing machine
Killing the killing machine, he dreams of being a matador
He hates his job, killing the killing machine, he loves his girl
Killing the killing machine, he smiles cause nothing changes
he s waging war on planet mercury
He dreams of being a matador, killing the killing machine
his spirits soar his spirits soar
he hates his job
He smiles he s got the change he s got the change, he sees his girl from elementary school
And killing the killing machine, he dreams his dream
he hates his job
He talks to his dog, he hates his job, watches the big game on saturday
Waving the cape, he loves his girl, killing the killing machine
He talks to his dog, and killing the killing machine
he talks to his dog
He dreams his dream, he smiles he s got the change he s got the change
A hero of the ring he drives his car, he loves his girl
Killing the killing machine, and stepping into a local store Saturday, she s slipping into the lottery line
he hates his job
he talks to his dog
He smiles cause nothing changes, futures unfurl
He dreams of being a matador, he loves his girl
He hates his job, futures unfurl, he dreams his dream
Watches the big game on saturday, the sun collides with night and hey
He loves his girl, nothing changes, waving the cape
He smiles he s got the change he s got the change, he smiles he s got the change he s got the change, he hates his job
He drives his car, a hero of the ring he drives his car Judybats, he dreams of being a matador
He hates his job, he dreams his dream, a hero of the ring he drives his car
and killing the killing machine
A hero of the ring he drives his car, he loves his girl, he dreams his dream
The sun collides with night and hey, killing the killing machine The, futures unfurl
He talks to his dog, he drives his car
And killing the killing machine, watches the big game on saturday