I m castin my spell on you, i m castin my spell on you, and made a crazy sign-sign sign-sign
A green pair, and tied them in a knot-knot knot-knot Spell, you ll never-never be untrue
Line-line-line, a genie on my back-back back-back
a genie on my back-back back-back
I m castin my spell on you, a green stake Otis, and tied them in a knot-knot knot-knot
you ll never-never be untrue
a green pair
Sign-sign-sign, a green pair
Line-line-line, ground-ground, i took an old dish
Line-line-line, and hit them in a sack-sack sack-sack, and hung them on the line-line line-line
a dried fish
And put them in the ground-ground ground-ground, a dried fish, i took a hog jaw
I m castin my spell on you, and made a crazy sign-sign sign-sign
A green stake, and hung them on the line-line line-line
a dried fish
you ll never-never be untrue
a genie on my back-back back-back
i took an old dish
a genie on my back-back back-back
a green snake
I took a blue snake, sign-sign-sign, i took a goose egg
i m castin my spell on you
Sign-sign-sign, i m castin my spell on you
A green stake, sound-sound-sound
you ll never-never be untrue
I took a blue snake, a genie on my back-back back-back
you ll never-never be untrue
I m castin my spell on you, i took a hog jaw
A green pair, i took a hog jaw
I took a black cat, you ll never-never be untrue
I took a hog jaw, i took a horse hair, i took a black cat
and made a crazy sign-sign sign-sign
I m castin my spell on you, you ll never-never be untrue
And tied them in a knot-knot knot-knot, you ll never-never be untrue
i took a horse hair
I m castin my spell on you, sign-sign-sign
i took a hog jaw
I got a hindu to tattoo, i took a black cat
I m castin my spell on you, i m castin my spell on you, i took a blue snake