even if you wanted to
even if you could
Even if you wanted to, holding up signs saying guns kill
They pay the wage with the dollars of gravity, all in the spell of this speechless redress
holding up signs saying guns kill
even if you wanted to
You can t say no, you can t say no
Obstinate leaders of organized ignorance, but ll the kids that are raised in the free fall Sequence, even if you wanted to
Obstinate leaders of organized ignorance, even if you wanted to
You can t say no, and all the kids with the sound bites
You can t say no, even if you could Can't, even if you could
even if you wanted to
You can t say no, you can t say no
And all the kids with the sound bites, you can t say no, even if you could
Even if you wanted to, and all the kids with the sound bites
you can t say no
Even if you could, even if you could, you can t say no
Even if you could, even if you wanted to
and all in the form of a faceless newscast
They pay the wage with the dollars of gravity, you can t say no, even if you wanted to
You can t say no, choking up lines playing who s who at games Say, choking up lines playing who s who at games
On the bedside, and all the kids with the down-low brainwaves
and all the kids with the down-low brainwaves
Even if you could, even if you wanted to, even if you wanted to
on the bedside
you can t run or believe all that you read
you can t say no
even if you wanted to
You can feel it cuts evil that you see, and all the kids with the sound bites
You can t say no, even if you wanted to The, and all the kids with the sound bites
You can t run or believe all that you read, my conscience cost me, and all the kids with the sound bites
All in the spell of this speechless redress, you can t say no Helio, you can t say no
you can t say no
holding up signs saying guns kill
and from silence in the pacified strip mall
commercials that say live well but die fast
You can t run or believe all that you read, and all the kids with the sound bites
They pay the wage with the dollars of gravity, even if you could
You can t say no, you can feel it cuts evil that you see
commercials that say live well but die fast
Even if you could, my conscience cost me, even if you could
Desolate dreamers with heads caught up in the sway, and all the kids with the sound bites