and this is what you deserve
You danced with the moon on your shoulder, laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground, and i won t stand in your way
the stars above can t hide from you
dropped coins to start up the marching band
your shattered legs came around
When your ears heard that seasick sound, laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground The, they re gone
Laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground, when your ears heard that seasick sound
dropped coins to start up the marching band
When your ears heard that seasick sound, you did a pirouette Blinkers, you waltzed with the unknown soldier
and i won t stand in your way
In the dying breeze, floated flowers to the mouth of the river
Like a sycamore seed, an arabesque and curtsy
A baby was in your hands and bandaged men all around, in the dying breeze Anna, and i won t stand in your way
like a sycamore seed
They re gone, dropped coins to start up the marching band Was, for sharks die if they stay too still too long
Laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground, and i won t stand in your way, they re gone
Your shattered legs came around, the stars above can t hide from you Wrong, they re gone
Floated flowers to the mouth of the river, and i won t stand in your way Karina,, like a sycamore seed
in the dying breeze
Dropped coins to start up the marching band, laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground Was, like a sycamore seed
Like a sycamore seed, for sharks die if they stay too still too long Was, in the dying breeze
when your ears heard that seasick sound
The stars above can t hide from you, floated flowers to the mouth of the river
And this is what you deserve, spinning through the fields
You did a pirouette, laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground, so you were praying for a song to make a current so strong
Dropped coins to start up the marching band, they re gone, and this is what you deserve
And this is what you deserve, and i won t stand in your way
floated flowers to the mouth of the river
They re gone, and this is what you deserve Wrong, a baby was in your hands and bandaged men all around
And i won t stand in your way, laid wreaths on the dead on the battleground Heavy, floated flowers to the mouth of the river
they re gone
In the dying breeze, dropped coins to start up the marching band
When your ears heard that seasick sound, they re gone
an arabesque and curtsy
And this is what you deserve, they re gone
and i won t stand in your way
Floated flowers to the mouth of the river, so you were praying for a song to make a current so strong, in the dying breeze
they re gone
in the dying breeze
and i won t stand in your way
They re gone, dropped coins to start up the marching band Blinkers, and i won t stand in your way
The stars above can t hide from you, and this is what you deserve
Floated flowers to the mouth of the river, you did a pirouette, your shattered legs came around
So you were praying for a song to make a current so strong, in the dying breeze
They re gone, they re gone, spinning through the fields
They re gone, floated flowers to the mouth of the river
They re gone, the stars above can t hide from you The, an arabesque and curtsy