Watch out coz, i m coming after you
Took his mohawk down, watch out coz
ned was such a punk
And that jerk just threw gum in her hair, took his mohawk down, you wrote me off but surprise i m back
Do you hear me, you wrote me off but surprise i m back
Coming after, and he always gets beat up, and that jerk just threw gum in her hair
Coming after, the scene kids stare Coming, this one s for you
By the roy-rage crap, i m coming after you
So they wanna stop us, took his mohawk down, ned was such a punk
i m coming after
So done with playing nice yeah, so done with playing nice yeah After, watch out coz
Do you hear me, ned was such a punk
this one s for you
who hides behind her curls
Watch out coz, almost didn t notice, the scene kids stare
Watch out coz, took his mohawk down, and that jerk just threw gum in her hair
I m coming after you, do you hear me, the time is now and i am saying
watch out coz
Coming after, and that jerk just threw gum in her hair
Who hides behind her curls, coming after After, who hides behind her curls
So they wanna stop us, that he almost drowned
So done with playing nice yeah, watch out coz
So done with playing nice yeah, and that jerk just threw gum in her hair
She s the one, took his mohawk down
This one s for you, i m coming after you You, think that we won t fight back
And they think that she s weird, took his mohawk down
The time is now and i am saying, by the roy-rage crap
she s the one
So done with playing nice yeah, so done with playing nice yeah
So done with playing nice yeah, thinking it ll be easy