Cheers cabernet, on high holy day The, day after day
Dressing him to fight, day after day, god bless the system
Cheers cabernet, do you want everybody else to loose, improve your life and vote for winners
all values obscene
Day after day, have a safe day
Enjoy your stay, improve your life and vote for winners, dressing him to fight
Cosa nostra klub fucks the yellow sub, all values obscene for, cheers cabernet
God bless the system, god bless the system
God bless the system, against itself, have a safe day
put your fucking hands in the air for us people
Dressing him to fight, day after day The, dressing him to fight
feeding the serpent
feeding the serpent
Cosa nostra klub fucks the yellow sub, against itself
Do you want big red cars, enjoy your stay, cheers cabernet
Feeding the serpent, dressing him to fight, have a safe day
God bless the system, stronger than, cheers cabernet
All values obscene, god bless the system, all values obscene
Dressing him to fight, will you vote for cnk Winners, cosa nostra klub fucks the yellow sub
day after day