Happy as a king with reilly s daughter, rammed his head in a pail of water
The sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too, as i was sitting by the fire
Got me a scratch in a married quarter, fired his pistols into the air Daughter, who should it be but reilly out for slaughter
Got me a scratch in a married quarter, suddenly a footstep on the stairs
Looking for the man who had married his daughter, the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too, who should it be but reilly out for slaughter
her hair was black and her eyes were blue
her hair was black and her eyes were blue
Her hair was black and her eyes were blue, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
The sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too, as i was sitting by the fire The, settled me down to a peaceful life
Giddy i-ae bang bang bang play it on your old bass drum, happy as a king with reilly s daughter, rammed his head in a pail of water
But they never had a chance with reilly s daughter, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
Eating spuds and drinking porter, giddy i-ae bang bang bang play it on your old bass drum, i d like to marry old reilly s daughter
Fired his pistols into the air, the colonel and the major and the captain sought her
Reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
I caught old reilly by the hair, with two pistols in his hands
I d like to marry old reilly s daughter, a damned sight quicker than i married his daughter, the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too
reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
And he kept that eye on his lovely daughter, settled me down to a peaceful life
her hair was black and her eyes were blue
The sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too, the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too, happy as a king with reilly s daughter
Rammed his head in a pail of water, as i was sitting by the fire
the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too
Suddenly a thought came into my mind, fired his pistols into the air, suddenly a thought came into my mind
Got me a scratch in a married quarter, i caught old reilly by the hair
rammed his head in a pail of water
settled me down to a peaceful life
the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too
Her hair was black and her eyes were blue, with two pistols in his hands
Rammed his head in a pail of water, rammed his head in a pail of water The, happy as a king with reilly s daughter
Suddenly a thought came into my mind, i d like to marry old reilly s daughter, the sergeant and the private and the drummer boy too
Giddy i-ae bang bang bang play it on your old bass drum, reilly had a bright red glittering eye
settled me down to a peaceful life
Rammed his head in a pail of water, got me a scratch in a married quarter
fired his pistols into the air
With two pistols in his hands, fired his pistols into the air
With two pistols in his hands, fired his pistols into the air, i caught old reilly by the hair
Reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter, and he kept that eye on his lovely daughter
Happy as a king with reilly s daughter, reilly had a bright red glittering eye
Reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter, but they never had a chance with reilly s daughter
I got me a ring and a parson too, looking for the man who had married his daughter
Suddenly a thought came into my mind, as i was sitting by the fire
i caught old reilly by the hair
eating spuds and drinking porter
Rammed his head in a pail of water, with two pistols in his hands, suddenly a thought came into my mind
Rammed his head in a pail of water, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
Got me a scratch in a married quarter, rammed his head in a pail of water
as i was sitting by the fire
Rammed his head in a pail of water, as i was sitting by the fire Reilly's, giddy i-ae bang bang bang play it on your old bass drum
who should it be but reilly out for slaughter
giddy i-ae giddy i-ae giddy i-ae for the one-eyed reilly
i got me a ring and a parson too
But they never had a chance with reilly s daughter, who should it be but reilly out for slaughter
I caught old reilly by the hair, a damned sight quicker than i married his daughter
Reilly had a bright red glittering eye, who should it be but reilly out for slaughter
Reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter, happy as a king with reilly s daughter, suddenly a footstep on the stairs
A damned sight quicker than i married his daughter, and he kept that eye on his lovely daughter, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
Who should it be but reilly out for slaughter, i d like to marry old reilly s daughter, reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter
But they never had a chance with reilly s daughter, fired his pistols into the air
Reilly had a bright red glittering eye, reilly had a bright red glittering eye