Vive l amour, vive l amour
vive l amour
We ll drink to each other while memories pass, vive l amour
vive l amour
vive la compagnie
vive la compagnie
Vive l amour, it s time to leave and to say goodbye, vive l amour
Vive l amour, we ll drink to each other while memories pass
vive l amour
Vive l amour, vive l amour
Vive l amour, sharing a laugh a book and a smile The, vive la compagnie
Vive l amour, we re all together for only a while
Vive l amour, vive l amour, vive l amour
vive l amour
Vive la compagnie, vive l amour
Vive la compagnie, vive l amour, vive l amour
vive la compagnie
Vive l amour, sharing a laugh a book and a smile
vive la compagnie
Vive l amour, vive l amour
Let every good fellow now fill up his glass, let every good fellow now fill up his glass
Vive l amour, vive l amour
Vive la compagnie, vive la compagnie
vive la compagnie
Vive l amour, vive l amour
vive l amour
vive l amour
we ll drink to each other while memories pass
Vive l amour, vive la compagnie
vive la compagnie
vive l amour
vive l amour
we ll drink to each other while memories pass
vive l amour
Vive l amour, vive l amour
vive l amour
Vive la compagnie, vive l amour Viva, vive l amour
vive la compagnie
Vive la compagnie, vive l amour
vive l amour
Vive l amour, let every good fellow now fill up his glass, sharing a laugh a book and a smile