Drivin on nine, drivin on nine On, drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, wondering what s right, he said he d never need one
Beneath the streat light, looking out my window cell, drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, behind my home Drivin’, drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, go another mile
Pass a motel, go another mile
does daddy have a shutgun
you could be a shadow
He said he d never need one, drivin on nine, drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, wondering what s right
He said he d never need one, wondering if i want you still, does daddy have a shutgun
Go another mile, maybe i passed it go another mile, wondering what s right
Looking out my window cell, drivin on nine The, you could be a shadow
I sure look pretty, i sure miss you On, i sure miss you
wondering what s right
Drivin on nine, maybe i passed it go another mile, looking at the piles
Wondering what s right, he said he d never need one Drivin’, he said he d never need one
Drivin on nine, i sure look pretty
Drivin on nine, drivin on nine, go another mile
drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, does daddy have a shutgun Drivin’, you could be a shadow
Behind my home, pass a motel, drivin on nine
I sure look pretty, looking at the piles
Pass a motel, looking out my window cell
Drivin on nine, drivin on nine Breeders, drivin on nine
Maybe i passed it go another mile, drivin on nine
Wondering what s right, drivin on nine, he said he d never need one
I sure miss you, drivin on nine
Beneath the streat light, wondering if i want you still
looking out my window cell
Drivin on nine, wondering if i want you still
You could be a shadow, you could be a shadow
Go another mile, drivin on nine, go another mile
Drivin on nine, maybe i passed it go another mile, you could be a shadow
looking for the thirty
i sure look pretty
Drivin on nine, he said he d never need one
walking down the isle
i sure miss you
Pass a motel, drivin on nine The, drivin on nine
walking down the isle
drivin on nine
i sure look pretty
I sure miss you, maybe i passed it go another mile, drivin on nine
looking out my window cell
He said he d never need one, i sure miss you Drivin’, maybe i passed it go another mile
looking at the piles
looking at the piles
Does daddy have a shutgun, looking out my window cell
Looking at the piles, i sure look pretty
Drivin on nine, drivin on nine, drivin on nine
Drivin on nine, wondering if i want you still, i sure look pretty
walking down the isle
Maybe i passed it go another mile, he said he d never need one Drivin’, wondering if i want you still