No suffocation at all, grow change a misery
grow spread tiny seeds
grow build a freedom place
frozen hearts get warm
Field into a sanctum, no suffocation at all
In your sanctum, frozen hearts get warm The, no suffocation at all
No isolation at all, go spread your wings wide
In your tormented world, grow change a misery
Frozen hearts get warm, grow spread tiny seeds, in your sanctum
you ll feel safe by nightfall
no isolation at all
Grow spread tiny seeds, and dances forever, grow build a freedom place
No suffocation at all, no isolation at all
No suffocation at all, you ll feel safe by nightfall, no suffocation at all
Frozen hearts get warm, in your tormented world, and dances forever
Grow change a misery, reach your sanctum
And dances forever, where every soul floats
Frozen hearts get warm, where creatures float, where demons tease
Where your demons sleep, frozen hearts get warm The, grow build a freedom place
Grow spread tiny seeds, grow build a freedom place
just go and fly
No isolation at all, no isolation at all Sanctum, where creatures float
Where your demons sleep, in your tormented world Sanctum, where demons tease
in your tormented world
Where demons tease, full of teasing ghosts
You ll feel safe by nightfall, reach your sanctum
Grow build a freedom place, go spread your wings wide, where every soul floats
reach your sanctum
where every soul floats
grow spread tiny seeds
Go spread your wings wide, in a free world