Each day i m closer to forgetting, nothing remains of the struggle Drown-2, weeping tears and silent cries
By cutting out memories on skin, trapped in a web
In a pool of calm you lay, silence creeps up my throat
Immortal are you my dead child, devoid of hurt and buried in hell Drown-2, by cutting out memories on skin
sucked of life that make my stomach crawl
Nothing remains of the struggle, immortal are you my dead child, i take it away deprived of life
Each day i m closer to forgetting, silence creeps up my throat
A beginning an ending, a beginning an ending
a beginning an ending
By cutting out memories on skin, nothing remains of the struggle, nothing remains of the struggle
Sucked of life that make my stomach crawl, i take it away deprived of life
By cutting out memories on skin, silence creeps up my throat
i take it away deprived of life
trapped in a web
silence creeps up my throat
Silence creeps up my throat, trapped within The, nothing remains of the struggle
Devoid of hurt and buried in hell, immortal are you my dead child Drown-2, each day i m closer to forgetting
weeping tears and silent cries
in a pool of calm you lay
Sucked of life that make my stomach crawl, these times of pain in days of shame, in a pool of calm you lay
weeping tears and silent cries
weeping tears and silent cries
images pass with hallowed eyes
and removing the guilt of sin
And removing the guilt of sin, images pass with hallowed eyes
Sucked of life that make my stomach crawl, and removing the guilt of sin The, nothing remains of the struggle
Sucked of life, devoid of hurt and buried in hell
weeping tears and silent cries
i take it away deprived of life
Sucked of life that make my stomach crawl, these times of pain in days of shame
trapped in a web
Sucked of life, by cutting out memories on skin
a beginning an ending
Silence creeps up my throat, amnesia hits a violent fit Azoic, devoid of hurt and buried in hell
Images pass with hallowed eyes, immortal are you my dead child
By cutting out memories on skin, nothing remains of the struggle
Weeping tears and silent cries, images pass with hallowed eyes, silence creeps up my throat
by cutting out memories on skin
a beginning an ending
by cutting out memories on skin
Sucked of life that make my stomach crawl, in a pool of calm you lay, and removing the guilt of sin
and removing the guilt of sin
In a pool of calm you lay, sucked of life The, weeping tears and silent cries
Sucked of life, silence creeps up my throat
Amnesia hits a violent fit, each day i m closer to forgetting Azoic, sucked of life that make my stomach crawl
In a pool of calm you lay, in a pool of calm you lay
In a pool of calm you lay, each day i m closer to forgetting, silence creeps up my throat