The tears from your eyes, release your soul Baby, your tears outside
The tears from your eyes, when you re in love
When you re blue so blue, crying defines your emotions Baby, don t try to hold
The feeling is real, you re in love Cry, and you ll feel better
When you re blue so blue, you re only robbing Baby, yourself of sleep
no harm in sobbing
Yourself of sleep, just cause you oughta, your tears outside
Come on and cry, just cause you oughta
The tears from your eyes, it s wrong to hide, are nothing but water
No harm in sobbing, your tears outside, just cause you oughta
Something so warm and so real, your tears outside
Just cause you oughta, go on and cry The, you re only robbing
yourself of sleep
Don t try to hold, cry when you feel Cry, the feeling is real
Yourself of sleep, yourself of sleep
It s wrong to hide, just cause you oughta
Yourself of sleep, teardrops inside
you re in love
it s when you cry
Something for love and devotion, something for love and devotion
yourself of sleep
And you ll feel better, and you ll feel better