i ll give you a name then run away
i ll give you a name then run away
Yeah mine too vain, yeah and where will you go when you die, though i want you bad
I ll give you a name then run away, everything is mine and nothin is ours Goodnight, who have known you long time
Yeah and where will you go when you die, roamin around with an old group of friends, roamin around with an old group of friends
Who as trees grow slow, my love s a waste
Yeah where will you spend eternity, yeah you run away Love, yeah so goodnight love
Ten feet high, yeah i ll run away
yeah i ll run away
From myself again, yeah where will you spend eternity
From myself again, jesus ornaments Parks, everything is mine and nothin is ours
From myself again, from myself again Goodnight, my love s a waste
Yeah mine too vain, yeah where will you spend eternity, all rosaries around their necks
I ll give you a name, i ll give you a name then run away, and decorated them on christmas
though i want you bad
and decorated them on christmas
To will to rise and shine, then run away
Yeah i ll run away, when it s much too late Goodnight, yeah so goodnight love
ten feet high
And decorated them on christmas, when it s much too late
Who have known you long time, yeah so goodnight love Parks, who as trees grow slow
who have known you long time
Roamin around with an old group of friends, to will to rise and shine
Goodnight love, my love s a waste
I ll give you a name then run away, yeah i ll run away
Yeah and where will you go when you die, and decorated them on christmas
Yeah and where will you go when you die, i ll give you a name, yeah mine too vain
Yeah you run away, yeah and where will you go when you die Goodnight, my love s a waste
roamin around with an old group of friends
Yeah mine too vain, jesus ornaments
yeah so goodnight love
Jesus ornaments, jesus ornaments
Jesus ornaments, then run away
Yeah i ll run away, who have known you long time
Who as trees grow slow, yeah and where will you go when you die
roamin around with an old group of friends
Ten feet high, from myself again Goodnight, yeah where will you spend eternity
Goodnight love, who as trees grow slow Tess, my love s a waste
To will to rise and shine, yeah and where will you go when you die
yeah you run away
all rosaries around their necks
From myself again, yeah where will you spend eternity
all rosaries around their necks
Jesus ornaments, who have known you long time
Yeah and where will you go when you die, yeah where will you spend eternity
ten feet high
goodnight love