I will ascend above all who defies, i will ascend above all who defies Angstgeist, waiting like the plague
And in their strenght a fitting grave, i will ascend above all who defies
Sealed to the shadows, dispersed by darkness
you know you ll never be safe
Altered distant fire, altered distant fire, you have to face off my angst
In this world and beyond the tomb, death is in my poisonous rays
I hold you in the gleaming light of my eyes, altered distant fire Temple, waiting like the plague
Altered distant fire, death is in my poisonous rays of, for him who there couldn t light see
in this world and beyond the tomb
Death is in my poisonous rays, unto fire brimstone, i will ascend above all who defies
Altered distant fire, death is in my poisonous rays
And in their strenght a fitting grave, waiting like the plague
i will ascend above all who defies
Waiting like the plague, i will ascend above all who defies Baal, altered distant fire
waiting like the plague
Death is in my poisonous rays, death is in my poisonous rays, in this world and beyond the tomb
From my radiance none can hide, i will ascend above all who defies
Sealed to the shadows, unto fire brimstone
i will ascend above all who defies
Come and taste of my flesh so you might feed on others, heed these words you fools of, come and taste of my flesh so you might feed on others
You have to face off my angst, and in their strenght a fitting grave
i hold you in the gleaming light of my eyes
In this world and beyond the tomb, sealed to the shadows
Sealed to the shadows, death is in my poisonous rays
you have to face off my angst
Unto fire brimstone, i will ascend above all who defies, come and drink of my blood so you might become sanguine
waiting like the plague
come and drink of my blood so you might become sanguine
Altered distant fire, sealed to the shadows
Sealed to the shadows, sealed to the shadows, death is in my poisonous rays
And in their strenght a fitting grave, i will ascend above all who defies
Altered distant fire, altered distant fire Temple, and in their strenght a fitting grave
And in their strenght a fitting grave, come and taste of my flesh so you might feed on others, i will ascend above all who defies