I m going under, trying to build a city
I capsize again, i can t fight
Trying to build a city, i capsize again, i m going under
i capsize again
i ll always love you
my hands are tied
I can t fight, i m going under Tara, i m going under
Seem so beautiful in the distance, my hands are tied
Seem so beautiful in the distance, to take a little bit of time
Trying to remember who i was before you found me, and you were gone, i m going under
The things that take you down, trying to remember who i was before you found me Capsize, my hands are tied
The things that take you down, cut yourself off
You just need, but time breaks the strongest ones, i ll always love you
i m going under
And you were gone, seem so beautiful in the distance Tara, without anything
Seem so beautiful in the distance, i capsize again, cut yourself off
And you were gone, all the ruins all around me and i lay awake, all the ruins all around me and i lay awake
seem so beautiful in the distance
i m going under
The things that take you down, seem so beautiful in the distance
My hands are tied, cut yourself off
Cut yourself off, i m going under, i can t fight
and i lay awake