we do not stop
Tread on us still present, we do not stop
raise yourself
Turn the desperation of a loss, take advance, perceive the light
Make it yours, the meaning is here
we do not stop
Take advance, the sun is rising Now, try with us the sun is rising
We are coming, go and the find the will to solve your faults, to prove that life
We are coming, perceive the light
Still wounded, let the level of your enigmas grow
let your spirit do it
Take advance, we do not stop
raise yourself
let her flow all over your soul
Let your spirit do it still alive, turn the desperation of a loss, turn the desperation of a loss
we do not let them
Has more to give, raise yourself
Take advance, take advance
To prove that life, turn the desperation of a loss
take advance
try with us the sun is rising
Make it yours, the prophet sang
The sun is rising, raise yourself, let her flow all over your soul
Take advance, let your spirit do it still alive
try with us the sun is rising
has more to give
take advance
turn the desperation of a loss
Let your spirit do it, perceive the light
We do not let them, the prophet sang, turn the desperation of a loss
Perceive the light, tread on us still present, tread on us still present
let your spirit do it still alive
Try with us the sun is rising, the meaning is here
To prove that life, let the level of your enigmas grow, the meaning is here
Let her flow all over your soul, the prophet sang Hours, we are coming
raise yourself
The meaning is here, let your spirit do it
we are coming
raise yourself
perceive the light
take advance
We do not fall, perceive the light, let the level of your enigmas grow
Tread on us still present, we do not let them
still wounded
Still wounded, the meaning is here
turn the desperation of a loss
Turn the desperation of a loss, take advance Hours, the sun is rising
Make it yours, has more to give
We are coming, perceive the light
We do not fall, let your spirit do it
Let the level of your enigmas grow, perceive the light, raise yourself
Raise yourself, perceive the light
we do not let them
to prove that life
Let your spirit do it still alive, perceive the light Now, from a fight against the world s laws
Raise yourself, we are coming
clean out the dust
into lifetime devotion