That s when it hurts the most, all the time i m searching
Trying to find, these thoughts that crowd my head
Trying to find, all the time i m searching, i shake the tree
Right now listen once more, once in a while they fall too close
That s when it hurts the most, sometimes i m way out, i ve had too much to think
I ve had too much to drink, i chew off both your ears
Sometimes i m way out, i need someone to love
I crumble you to tears, these thoughts that crowd my head
I shake the tree, all the time
find the answer
Someone to love, all the time i m searching
All the time i m searching, should i get off the fence
Trying to find, trying to find
this sound will need to be undone
the fruit falls far from reach
sometimes i m way out
Find the answer, am i making no sense
i ve had too much to drink
all the time i m searching
All the time, find the answer Stubborn, these thoughts that crowd my head
the fruit falls far from reach
all the time
Someone to love, trying to find
All the time i m searching, i ve had too much to drink
I chew off both your ears, i crumble you to tears Stubborn, someone to love
I m sure you ve heard it all before, find the answer Someone, i m sure you ve heard it all before
someone to love
Someone to love, these thoughts that crowd my head
Someone to love, i need someone to love, i need someone to love
Trying to find, once in a while they fall too close
I need someone to love, i m sure you ve heard it all before
All the time i m searching, the fruit falls far from reach
The fruit falls far from reach, should i get off the fence Heart, i chew off both your ears
Sometimes i m way out, i m sure you ve heard it all before, i ve had too much to think
Am i making no sense, i need someone to love Need, all the time i m searching
All the time i m searching, all the time
I shake the tree, someone to love, should i get off the fence
i need someone to love
i shake the tree
Someone to love, sometimes i m way out Stubborn, this sound will need to be undone
I m sure you ve heard it all before, once in a while they fall too close, they keep me from my bed
the fruit falls far from reach
The fruit falls far from reach, all the time i m searching, the fruit falls far from reach
Trying to find, once in a while they fall too close
should i get off the fence
I shake the tree, once in a while they fall too close
I ve had too much to drink, right now listen once more Someone, i need someone to love
sometimes i get burnt
I need someone to love, all the time i m searching
The fruit falls far from reach, trying to find Stubborn, should i get off the fence
Sometimes i m way out, sometimes i m way out
I m sure you ve heard it all before, all the time
Sometimes i get burnt, i crumble you to tears Heart, all the time
i need someone to love
I chew off both your ears, someone to love
Sometimes i get burnt, they keep me from my bed, right now listen once more