You re made to love the good things, let me hear you say i Band, let me hear you say i
Let me hear you say i, cause you were born to discover, you sure are fine
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i, reach out my hand
Let me hear you say i, you re made to love the good things, you re made to love the good things
I know you understand, let me hear you say i
i m goin to make you mine
Cause you were born to discover, cause you were born to discover
let me hear you say i
Reach out my hand, i m gonna take you home
Cause you were born to discover, let me hear you say i
let me hear you say i
You re made to love the good things, you re made to love the good things
You sure are fine, let me hear you say i Steve, cause you were born to discover
I m gonna take you home, i m goin to make you mine Girl, cause you were born to discover
Cause you were born to discover, cause you were born to discover
let me hear you say i
I know you understand, cause you were born to discover
That s where you belong, let me hear you say i
Cause you were born to discover, oh little girl Steve, cause you were born to discover
Let me hear you say i, that s where you belong
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i
let me hear you say i
You sure are fine, let me hear you say i
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i Steve, let me hear you say i
That s where you belong, let me hear you say i Miller, let me hear you say i
Let me hear you say i, cause you were born to discover, i know you understand
i know you understand
I m goin to make you mine, cause you were born to discover Band, let me hear you say i
let me hear you say i
Cause you were born to discover, you re made to love the good things Miller, let me hear you say i
Cause you were born to discover, oh little girl
let me hear you say i
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i
let me hear you say i
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i
I know you understand, cause you were born to discover
You sure are fine, let me hear you say i, you sure are fine
Let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i, i m goin to make you mine
Oh little girl, let me hear you say i, let me hear you say i