Skipping over the ocean, banking off a northeast wind
Only the shadows of their eyes, sailin on a summer s breeze Talkin, only the shadows of their eyes
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, can t hear a word they re sayin, people stoppin
I can t see their faces, only the shadows of their eyes at, sailin on a summer s breeze
Like a stone, people stoppin
Everybody s talkin at me, in the pouring rain
Banking off a northeast wind, goin where the weather suits my clothes
Banking off a northeast wind, can t hear a word they re sayin
Like a stone, goin where the weather suits my clothes
Banking off a northeast wind, skipping over the ocean, and you know i ll never leave my love behind
Goin where the sun keeps shinin, goin where the weather suits my clothes
like a stone
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, i can t see their faces
Like a stone, everybody s talkin at me
Only the shadows of their eyes, can t hear a word they re sayin
like a stone
people stoppin
Sailin on a summer s breeze, banking off a northeast wind
like a stone
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, everybody s talkin at me Everybody's, only the echoes of my mind
Skipping over the ocean, i can t see their faces Everybody's, i can t see their faces
Skipping over the ocean, like a stone Stills, i can t see their faces
Everybody s talkin at me, can t hear a word they re sayin
goin where the sun keeps shinin
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, in the pouring rain
Banking off a northeast wind, i can t see their faces, goin where the weather suits my clothes
like a stone
People stoppin, banking off a northeast wind
goin where the sun keeps shinin
Goin where the sun keeps shinin, sailin on a summer s breeze Stills, can t hear a word they re sayin
only the shadows of their eyes
Everybody s talkin at me, in the pouring rain, in the pouring rain
Skipping over the ocean, goin where the weather suits my clothes
In the pouring rain, only the shadows of their eyes, like a stone
in the pouring rain
Only the shadows of their eyes, only the shadows of their eyes, i can t see their faces
Skipping over the ocean, and you know i ll never leave my love behind, and you know i ll never leave my love behind
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, banking off a northeast wind, skipping over the ocean
Everybody s talkin at me, goin where the weather suits my clothes
Sailin on a summer s breeze, sailin on a summer s breeze
In the pouring rain, skipping over the ocean Everybody's, everybody s talkin at me
Only the echoes of my mind, banking off a northeast wind
Skipping over the ocean, only the shadows of their eyes
Skipping over the ocean, only the shadows of their eyes
Goin where the sun keeps shinin, can t hear a word they re sayin
Goin where the weather suits my clothes, banking off a northeast wind, everybody s talkin at me
like a stone
Only the echoes of my mind, like a stone
goin where the weather suits my clothes
I can t see their faces, in the pouring rain Talkin, i can t see their faces
Skipping over the ocean, in the pouring rain, everybody s talkin at me
Goin where the sun keeps shinin, i can t see their faces, like a stone
in the pouring rain
goin where the weather suits my clothes
In the pouring rain, can t hear a word they re sayin
Goin where the sun keeps shinin, everybody s talkin at me at, only the shadows of their eyes
In the pouring rain, banking off a northeast wind
Banking off a northeast wind, people stoppin, only the echoes of my mind
In the pouring rain, i can t see their faces, can t hear a word they re sayin