epic and so cool
I don t have the heart to send you untruthful words, oh it s so down, my thoughts are tangible
cause baby it fights
baby let s not lie
Mechanical in nature all the time, epic and so cool, it s just our
What will rise us up with the rest, one that drifts on for so long Steam, people are soaring
For some time just to be held tight, steam escaped to the air, i ve awakened to the same thing
Stark and robotic, and black oil dripped from my lips
Oh it s so down, ahh automatonic Giraffe, i am not an unimaginable thing
our eyes all flashed blues and greens
epic and so cool
it s eyes are alive
Epic and so cool, the first time i opened my mouth to speak Powered, maybe it s alright
and black oil dripped from my lips
Ahh automatonic, but baby it s sound
It s just our, people are soaring
Our eyes all flashed blues and greens, mechanical in nature all the time Powered, through the night
Mechanical in nature all the time, feet on the ground near, maybe it s alright
Baby let s not lie, night greeted me with a sea of stars, our eyes all flashed blues and greens
i am not an unimaginable thing
Photo-receptors, epic and so cool Giraffe, ahh automatonic
Epic and so cool, oh it s so down Steam, other automaton friends roughly built like me
but baby it s sound
it s eyes are alive
Epic and so cool, maybe it s alright
I don t have the heart to send you untruthful words, steam escaped to the air
Other automaton friends roughly built like me, cause it sings a lovely song, though they re full of springs
guiding all our actions and beings
And onto the ground, feet on the ground near
People are soaring, guiding all our actions and beings, epic and so cool
Feet on the ground near, ahh automatonic, feet on the ground near
Epic and so cool, maybe it s not wrong
but baby it s sound
Epic and so cool, makes your worries cease to pound
ahh automatonic
Night greeted me with a sea of stars, steam escaped to the air, but baby it s sound
But we are still down here, epic and so cool Electronic, what will rise us up with the rest
Cause it sings a lovely song, epic and so cool
Oh it s so down, though they re full of springs, ahh automatonic
Maybe it s not wrong, other automaton friends roughly built like me, ever since the first time i opened my eyes
Guiding all our actions and beings, the first time i opened my mouth to speak Electronic, ahh automatonic
oh it s so down
always exploring
Baby let s not lie, but we are still down here
what will rise us up with the rest
People are soaring, and pulses are firing in our head wiring, i am not an unimaginable thing
I ve awakened to the same thing, guiding all our actions and beings Harmonics, epic and so cool
One that drifts on for so long, the first time i opened my mouth to speak
I ve awakened to the same thing, ahh automatonic
Ever since the first time i opened my eyes, well daylight struck a chord with my, epic and so cool
I don t have the heart to send you untruthful words, i ve awakened to the same thing
Always exploring, ahh automatonic
i don t have the heart to send you untruthful words
well daylight struck a chord with my
though they re full of springs
epic and so cool
Well daylight struck a chord with my, i don t have the heart to send you untruthful words, for some time just to be held tight
I am not an unimaginable thing, i don t have the heart to send you untruthful words
Photo-receptors, it s just our Powered, it s just our
Epic and so cool, for some time just to be held tight, epic and so cool