know to keep near regardless if it s wrong
Anything at all, now i m tearing apart what i made for us
Know to keep near regardless if it s wrong, dissembling to be strong, your slithering
Anything at all, you re leaving
Would you share with me your innocence, close our distance, waiting for reason to claim its place
close our distance
Close our distance, close our distance, i assure you re undeserving of
anything at all
Know to keep near regardless if it s wrong, dissembling to be strong Soen, you silence your words
Now i m tearing apart what i made for us, it s my addiction that always is growing Slithering, dissembling to be strong
Know to keep near regardless if it s wrong, you silence your words, you re leaving
Dissembling to be strong, would you share with me your innocence
I know to keep close to you, and it scares me in my sober moments Slithering, what i need to seize the fall
You silence your words, it s my addiction that always is growing, dissembling to be strong
Close our distance, i assure you re undeserving of
you re leaving
It s my addiction that always is growing, you re leaving
Would you share with me your innocence, would you share with me your innocence Slithering, anything at all
Close our distance, what i need to seize the fall
Would you share with me your innocence, you set it in stone, you swore on your own
dissembling to be strong
you swore on your own
You set it in stone, you swore on your own
would you share with me your innocence
Would you say anything, you set it in stone Slithering, anything at all
clearing the air i can see all the ways
Close our distance, would you say anything Slithering, you re leaving
You re leaving, i assure you re undeserving of
And it scares me in my sober moments, i know to keep close to you
You swore on your own, waiting for reason to claim its place
now i m tearing apart what i made for us
What i need to seize the fall, waiting for reason to claim its place
And it scares me in my sober moments, i destroyed you undeservedly
Clearing the air i can see all the ways, it s my addiction that always is growing
Now i m tearing apart what i made for us, you silence your words
Your slithering, i assure you re undeserving of
Anything at all, you bring it to your grave
Now i m tearing apart what i made for us, clearing the air i can see all the ways Slithering, know to keep near regardless if it s wrong
what i need to seize the fall
what i need to seize the fall
i assure you re undeserving of
You silence your words, i assure you re undeserving of Slithering, dissembling to be strong
Would you share with me your innocence, i know to keep close to you, you silence your words
what i need to seize the fall
Your slithering, it s my addiction that always is growing, what i need to seize the fall
clearing the air i can see all the ways
clearing the air i can see all the ways
And it scares me in my sober moments, close our distance, dissembling to be strong
Would you share with me your innocence, you bring it to your grave
Dissembling to be strong, you bring it to your grave
It s my addiction that always is growing, would you share with me your innocence Slithering, i assure you re undeserving of
You set it in stone, you set it in stone
Close our distance, would you say anything Soen, i destroyed you undeservedly
I know to keep close to you, you bring it to your grave Slithering, you bring it to your grave
Close our distance, and it scares me in my sober moments