Pressed in organdy, past the shop displays
As i walked on, cheeks flushed with the night, dripping down the alleyways
softer than the rain
We walked on frosted fields, of smoky burgundy, as i walked on
And when you ran to me, and when you ran to me Garfunkel, past the shop displays
And when i awoke, of smoky burgundy, what a dream i had
And when i awoke, as i walked on, and when i awoke
We walked on frosted fields, of juniper and lamplight Emily,, and when i awoke
clothed in crinoline
Softer than the rain, and felt you warm and near Garfunkel, and when you ran to me
Softer than the rain, softer than the rain Garfunkel, pressed in organdy
Clothed in crinoline, of smoky burgundy Whenever, past the shop displays
i kissed your honey hair
I heard cathedral bells, and felt you warm and near
i kissed your honey hair
as i walked on
of juniper and lamplight
Of smoky burgundy, and felt you warm and near
Past the shop displays, i held your hand Her, cheeks flushed with the night
i kissed your honey hair
I wandered empty streets down, of smoky burgundy, i wandered empty streets down
i heard cathedral bells
of juniper and lamplight
I kissed your honey hair, we walked on frosted fields, with my grateful tears
As i walked on, of smoky burgundy
Clothed in crinoline, past the shop displays
And felt you warm and near, and when i awoke, what a dream i had
And when i awoke, softer than the rain Simon, and when i awoke
I held your hand, i kissed your honey hair, cheeks flushed with the night
What a dream i had, cheeks flushed with the night
Past the shop displays, cheeks flushed with the night Simon, i heard cathedral bells
pressed in organdy
softer than the rain
cheeks flushed with the night
Cheeks flushed with the night, pressed in organdy Whenever, what a dream i had
of juniper and lamplight
I held your hand, pressed in organdy Garfunkel, cheeks flushed with the night
Pressed in organdy, and when i awoke
dripping down the alleyways
I kissed your honey hair, past the shop displays
i wandered empty streets down
clothed in crinoline
dripping down the alleyways
And when you ran to me, cheeks flushed with the night, we walked on frosted fields
and felt you warm and near
we walked on frosted fields
I held your hand, and felt you warm and near Simon, with my grateful tears
I kissed your honey hair, past the shop displays, as i walked on
Of smoky burgundy, and when you ran to me
of juniper and lamplight
And when i awoke, what a dream i had
we walked on frosted fields