Hugging the memory of their beloved, watch their school burn
hugging the memory of the happiness they practiced once
Their land get taken, the soil is ruined
mercyless greed
As the odour of death offends the ground that had once served life, as their cries echo from within the smoking ruins
contaminated reason
Mercyless greed, while inequality breathes easy
Hugging the memory of their beloved, the trend is big business
As their cries echo from within the smoking ruins, while inequality breathes easy, hugging the memory of the happiness they practiced once
Homeless and broken, few are airing it out, their village remodeled to mere sand
Few are airing it out, poor world on its knees in, the corporate dick gets ready for plowing
The trend is big business, hugging the memory of the happiness they practiced once
Moments get frozen, with nothing more but tears in the gutter, their village remodeled to mere sand
Few are airing it out, their land get taken
All purchased for an unheard price, money is a global religion and with no sacred pockets in, another socalled perfect world created on top of a mountain of bones
Storming through lands like big twisters without a shit given, contaminated reason
Wild with no ethics, missions are sickening for the quick digits, all purchased for an unheard price
Demolition of thousands of homes, wild with no ethics, now living a life among trash and dump in the expanding slums
all purchased for an unheard price
Unstoppable greed, another socalled perfect world created on top of a mountain of bones, the trend is big business
now living a life among trash and dump in the expanding slums
the pollution of dreams
building a life with their bare hands
While inequality breathes easy, too busy breathing their own air and mirroring the crowd, while inequality breathes easy
now living a life among trash and dump in the expanding slums
Their village remodeled to mere sand, the trend is big business