Shining - Den påtvingade tvåsamheten free for downloading

  • Artist: Shining
  • Song: Den påtvingade tvåsamheten
  • Music Genre: Metal
  • Length: 03:56
  • Filesize: 5.5MB
  • Kbps: 192Kbps
Download Shining - Den påtvingade tvåsamheten

Top songs Shining

# Song Kbps Length
1 Shining - And Only Silence Remains 320 10:52
2 Shining - Att Med Kniv Göra Sig Ila 320 02:09
3 Shining - Blackjazz Deathtrance 256 10:52
4 Shining - Church Of Endurance 192 00:59
5 Shining - Exit Sun, Pt. 1 320 00:58
6 Shining - For The God Below 192 08:37
7 Shining - Fullständigt jävla död inuti 320 08:02
8 Shining - Healter Skelter 256 05:35
9 Shining - House Of Control 160 06:52
10 Shining - Inisis 256 08:11
11 Shining - Livets Ändhallplats 160 09:21
12 Shining - Människa O'avskyvärda Människa 320 06:43
13 Shining - Människotankens vägglösa rum 256 07:17
14 Shining - Nagonting Ar Fauligt Fel 320 06:19
15 Shining - Ohm (sommar med siv) 320 07:12
16 Shining - The Hurting Game 256 04:11
17 Shining - Vita Detestabilis 256 07:39
18 Shining - Winterreise 256 06:15



2021-09-20 03:37:02 | Profile
Any Batman Returns Shining fans here!?

Estelle P

2021-05-27 08:20:57 | Profile
This song was based on the Batman returns song "Selina Transforms" which obviously is Selena Kyle becoming catwoman scene where she destroys her apartment. Kvarforth has said in videos before that he loves the soundtrack to "Batman Returns". He also had influence from the theme song to "Halloween" with his song, "black industrial misery" but I'm sure shining fans knew that. Great band, great album, cheers.