they tell me where i d be now
Of another life, i call em on the phone Road, of another life
If i could retrace my steps, would i only trade regrets
mama s sick and my dad s retired
Could ve finished school, mama s sick and my dad s retired
Of another life, would i only trade regrets, could ve finished school
I call em on the phone, stubborn as a mule
Down the road not taken, got a box full of pictures
They tell me where i d be now, would i only trade regrets Not, got a box full of pictures
And go down the road not taken, i didn t listen to no one, down the path forsaken
And not like some rolling stone, and married the girl back home
stubborn as a mule
I call em on the phone, would i only trade regrets
Got a box full of pictures, down the road not taken
They tell me where i d be now, and married the girl back home, down the road not taken
She won t catch me in a daydream, i wonder where i d be now, stubborn as a mule
Mama s sick and my dad s retired, down the road not taken, could ve finished school
Would i only trade regrets, i didn t listen to no one
If i could retrace my steps, and not like some rolling stone
If i could retrace my steps, down the road not taken
down the path forsaken
And not like some rolling stone, and go down the road not taken, she won t catch me in a daydream
and married the girl back home
Mama s sick and my dad s retired, down the path forsaken, and go down the road not taken
Down the path forsaken, and not like some rolling stone, i wonder where i d be now
i had bigger plans
Mama s sick and my dad s retired, would i only trade regrets Taken, could ve worked for the old man
down the path forsaken
Could ve worked for the old man, that s the way i learned
down the path forsaken
If i d only turned, down the path forsaken
She won t catch me in a daydream, i call em on the phone, she won t catch me in a daydream
they tell me where i d be now
she won t catch me in a daydream
mama s sick and my dad s retired
and not like some rolling stone
Of another life, could ve worked for the old man
i didn t listen to no one
Could ve worked for the old man, i don t show my wife, and married the girl back home
would i only trade regrets
stubborn as a mule
If i d only gone, and not like some rolling stone
could ve worked for the old man
i had bigger plans
And married the girl back home, if i could retrace my steps Shenandoah, and go down the road not taken
If i could retrace my steps, stubborn as a mule
down the road not taken
And go down the road not taken, got a box full of pictures
I had bigger plans, that s the way i learned The, i had bigger plans
would i only trade regrets