reality stares in our faces
I ve found my truth, it s been evident from the start
Day after day the same old song, day after day the same old song, i live in my reality
My own experience, even if it don t suit you
i ve found my truth
Reality stares in our faces, i live in my reality, we search for truth all life long
Reality stares in our faces, i ve found my truth Truth, i live in my reality
even if it don t suit you
my own experience
Day after day the same old song, we search for truth in brand new places
Even if it don t suit you, to suit our greed and our pride
My own experience, i ve found my truth
research done
I ve found my truth, it s been evident from the start
Line up your experiments, to suit our greed and our pride
i ve found the truth for me
i live in my reality
I ve found the truth for me, it s been evident from the start Seven, i ve found my truth
I ve found my truth, reality stares in our faces, i live in my reality
We search for truth in brand new places, how can you dispute
How can you dispute, line up your experiments Truth, even if it don t suit you
Even if it don t suit you, i ve found the truth for me Truth, reality stares in our faces
how can you dispute