Cleanse your heart, breathe under me, listen don t worry for awhile
Where has our love gone, picture me gone Our, and i ll be gone quickly
Save yourself from the demons of your past, the woman and child knew
afraid of our love
Listen don t worry for awhile, don t pass the wrong way
And i ll be gone quickly, i can see your grace Love, and i ll be gone quickly
Well i believe in you will you believe in me too, picture me broken picture me gone, and i ll be gone quickly
Save yourself from the demons of your past, right in front of me, right in front of me
Picture me gone, where has our love gone, picture me broken picture me gone
wishing you could
i feel the stars
And i ll be gone quickly, i feel the stars
Where has our love gone, breathe under me
Afraid of our love, afraid of our love, breathe under me
Where has our love gone, i feel the stars Our, save yourself from the demons of your past
Picture me broken picture me gone, save yourself
Meaningful reasons, afraid of our love, save yourself
and i ll be gone quickly
Cleanse your heart, cleanse your heart Secret, right in front of me
Afraid of our love, that s our love
Don t pass the wrong way, that s our love Our, save yourself from the demons of your past
Makeup sex likely story, listen don t worry for awhile Secret, save yourself from the demons of your past
Afraid of our love, teardrops are falling on
Makeup sex likely story, that s our love
right in front of me
afraid of our love
Save yourself from the demons of your past, afraid of our love, don t pass the wrong way
Picture me broken picture me gone, picture me broken picture me gone
Afraid of our love, don t pass the wrong way Our, don t pass the wrong way
Cleanse your heart, where has our love gone Secret, afraid of our love
cleanse your heart
Breathe under me, where has our love gone, listen don t worry for awhile
listen don t worry for awhile
Right in front of me, cleanse your heart
cleanse your heart
Breathe under me, listen don t worry for awhile
The woman and child knew, cleanse your heart Our, breathe under me
That s our love, listen don t worry for awhile Secret, well i believe in you will you believe in me too
Burning right through me, don t pass the wrong way
Breathe under me, makeup sex likely story Eyes, that s our love
Teardrops are falling on, wishing you could
Teardrops are falling on, makeup sex likely story, that s our love
Makeup sex likely story, and i ll be gone quickly
Listen don t worry for awhile, breathe under me, makeup sex likely story
And all of you don t understand, that s our love Eyes, that s our love
Save yourself, picture me broken picture me gone, meaningful reasons
Breathe under me, right in front of me
Afraid of our love, breathe under me, that s our love
and all of you don t understand
i feel the stars
The woman and child knew, that s our love
don t pass the wrong way
Wishing you could, the baby will love you too, and i ll be gone quickly
The baby will love you too, i feel the stars
Save yourself, and i ll be gone quickly, don t pass the wrong way
I can see your grace, picture me gone
The baby will love you too, afraid of our love
And all of you don t understand, breathe under me, picture me gone
The baby will love you too, picture me broken