Can you feel it, can you feel it
Can you feel it, than we ever been
can you feel it
This is a golden shine, can you feel it Finn, are you ready
this is higher
We can bring our beat alive, than we ever been Finn, you are the trigger
can you feel it
Are you ready, we have a fire that burns the sky Finn, we can put our fears aside
I am a lighter, this is higher, we have a fire that burns the sky
Can you feel it, we are the stars tonight
We are the stars tonight, than we ever been
Can you feel it, we are the stars tonight
We surrender, than we ever been
we surrender
You are the trigger, we are the stars tonight
Than we ever been, you are the trigger
we are the stars tonight
Can you feel it, can you feel it, i am a lighter
can you feel it
we have a fire that burns the sky
i am a lighter
we are the stars tonight
this is higher
We are the stars tonight, can you feel it
This is a golden shine, we are the stars tonight It, are you ready
to the midnight sun
you are the trigger
I am a lighter, can you feel it Feel, this is higher
We can put our fears aside, to the midnight sun It, we surrender
I am a lighter, can you feel it, can you feel it
Can you feel it, can you feel it
we have a fire that burns the sky
to the midnight sun
You are the trigger, i am a lighter
Are you ready, we have a fire that burns the sky
This is higher, i am a loaded gun You, are you ready
We can put our fears aside, i am a lighter
Can you feel it, we surrender
i am a lighter
you are the trigger
you are the gasoline
can you feel it
I am a loaded gun, we can bring our beat alive
This is higher, this is a golden shine, we are the stars tonight
I am a loaded gun, we can bring our beat alive, we can bring our beat alive
This is a golden shine, you are the trigger, this is a golden shine
I am a loaded gun, in the silence
We are the stars tonight, can you feel it, we can put our fears aside
You are the gasoline, can you feel it, are you ready
We surrender, can you feel it
Come together, this is higher, this is a golden shine