For now you re mine, do as you re told
spread your arms
Take off your belt, take off your shoes, take off your belt
So wait in line, so wait in line
let search your body
Take off your shoes, take off your belt, i have to feel you
and in your water bottle
Do as you re told, spread your arms Victor, let me search your body
Spread your legs, i have to feel you, let search your body
Do as you re told, take off your belt
Let me search your body, take off your shoes India, so wait in line
Trust is irrelevant, nail clippers too
Do as you re told, take off your shoes, and in your water bottle
Spread your arms, spread your arms
Take off your belt, you might be a criminal Echo, let me search your body
Nail clippers too, take off your shoes
Spread your arms, take off your belt India, trust is irrelevant
You might be a criminal, nail clippers too, i have to feel you
do as you re told
Take off your belt, take off your belt Schradinova, i have to feel you
Take off your shoes, i love to yell in your ear and explain the rules loud and clear
Spread your legs, you might be a criminal
So wait in line, spread your legs
and in your water bottle
Take off your belt, you might be a criminal
take off your belt
take off your shoes
let me search your body
i have to feel you
I love to yell in your ear and explain the rules loud and clear, take off your shoes, let me search your body
And in your water bottle, take off your belt
For now you re mine, nail clippers too, you might be a criminal
take off your belt
let me search your body
so wait in line
do as you re told
You might be a criminal, i love to yell in your ear and explain the rules loud and clear, take off your shoes
Take off your belt, you might be a criminal
take off your shoes
do as you re told