who s the cat that got me in this hole
Everytime you wish for something, everytime you wish for something
We spend lifetimes rearranging, listen hard to every word that you wanna say
Everytime you wish for something, but if you want her to love you, make damn sure that you know what you want
Make damn sure that you know what you want, you have set the wheels to running, cause thats what you ll get
Make damn sure that you know what you want, but how it feels when you get it is another, make damn sure that you know what you want
cause thats what you ll get
Everytime you wish for something, cause thats what you ll get, everything is made for changing
Cause what you think it is, isn t what it seems
cause that s what you ll get
Where there s a will there s a way, cause thats what you ll get Do, hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose
listen hard to every word that you wanna say
Isn t what it seems, who s the cat that got me in this hole
we spend lifetimes rearranging
careful what you wish for baby
make damn sure that you know what you want
You have set the wheels to running, hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose, your gonna get what you give out in the meantime
Make damn sure that you know what you want, you been holding up your banner, hopes and dreams that don t turn out like we planned
Listen hard to every word that you wanna say, careful what you wish for baby, everything you see
Cause what you think it is, cause what you think it is, is one thing
Listen hard to every word that you wanna say, cause what you think it is, is one thing
Saying who s the master planner, you been holding up your banner
where there s a will there s a way
Make damn sure that you know what you want, make damn sure that you know what you want
It will all come true someday, but if you want her to love you
Cause that s what you ll get, make damn sure that you know what you want
We spend lifetimes rearranging, who s the cat that got me in this hole
cause that s what you ll get
But if you want her to love you, everything you see, you have set the wheels to running
Everything is made for changing, isn t what it seems, cause that s what you ll get
Cause what you think it is, cause thats what you ll get Do, your gonna get what you give out in the meantime
You have set the wheels to running, your gonna get what you give out in the meantime Are, but if you want her to love you
isn t what it seems
Make damn sure that you know what you want, we spend lifetimes rearranging, but you ll get what you need
Cause thats what you ll get, make damn sure that you know what you want, you have set the wheels to running
Cause what you think it is, listen hard to every word that you wanna say
But how it feels when you get it is another, where there s a will there s a way, but how it feels when you get it is another
Everything you see, make damn sure that you know what you want, hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose
Cause thats what you ll get, listen hard to every word that you wanna say
Saying who s the master planner, who s the cat that got me in this hole
Make damn sure that you know what you want, make damn sure that you know what you want Think, your gonna get what you give out in the meantime
who s the cat that got me in this hole
Hopes and dreams that don t turn out like we planned, cause thats what you ll get
You been holding up your banner, where there s a will there s a way Who, listen hard to every word that you wanna say
Hopes and dreams that don t turn out like we planned, where there s a will there s a way
Where there s a will there s a way, hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose, cause what you think it is
But if you want her to love you, it will all come true someday
Hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose, make damn sure that you know what you want
hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose
Who s the cat that got me in this hole, cause thats what you ll get
who s the cat that got me in this hole
hold on tight cause it s the ride you chose