Love this movie and the song!! Back in the late 1950's my parents would take my sister and I to Vegas (we were kids then)and I remember a lot of the old hotels (the Dunes, Sands, Hacienda, the Golden Slipper, etc.).
One day I'll have me a
chauffeur... and a block long limousine
Someday I'll have me a penthouse.
Stacks and stacks of folding green.
It's all a state of mind.
Whether or not you'll fine.
That place down there or heaven.
In the meantime.
Eee-o Eee -o
Eee - o- Eleven.
Eee- o - Eleven.
Eee- o -Eleven.
Show me a man without a dream.
And I'll show you a man that's dead.
Real Dead.
Once I had me a dream.
But that dream got kicked in the head.
Dream dead.
I nearly had me that chauffeur
And that block long limousine.
I nearly had me that penthouse.
All them stacks of folding green.
Some Judge is gonna say.
I'm putting you away.
For four score years add seven.
In the meantime.
For me, Sammy is the Greatest and my favorite Entertainer. His philosophy of life was kind and inclusive of all mankind. He suffered much for Humanity and is one of the greatest men to have ever lived. His love for music and entertaining has always been my inspiration for music and finding meaning in life. Now that I am nearing the end of my life, I cherish his leadership and work even more,,, it is like he is leading the way to the "Here After". I always like to remember what he would say, "Just keep on being Groovy". That is pretty much the meaning of life for me. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I remember Sammy's point of view,, I pick up my guitar and start playing and singing and the joy of life returns, I am so great full for Him.
It can also be found on a 45 RPM vinyl of Sammy Davis Jr. with eee-o-eleven on one side and ain't that a kick in the head on the other. a truly epic record