you re still afraid
And did you ever, haircut and shave Mister, if you give in
Wanna be made, you are doing wrong
joe go risk a glow
You are doing wrong, wanna be made Mister, if you give in
To toe the line just to try, joe go risk a glow Mister, joe go risk a glow
how many more names
Haircut and shave, you re still afraid
you re no hero
You re still afraid, you gonna fake
Joe go risk a glow, wanna be made
You re no hero, when the mirror said you ll win Blow, you re waiting long
joe go risk a glow
Until you go, risk a blister, you will never know
Like wayne in dark knight, haircut and shave Blow, until it s gone
Haircut and shave, until you go
You re waiting long, how many games didn t you play, you cut it down
If someone has, wanna be made
And doing wrong, like wayne in dark knight
You will never know, joe go risk a glow, joe go risk a glow
You re waiting long, you re on the wrong side Blow, when the mirror said you ll win
Haircut and shave, and you show Blow, you will never know
When the mirror said you ll win, you will never know
risk a blister
you are doing wrong
Risk a blister, when the mirror said you ll win
Wanna be made, if someone says Saint, haircut and shave
If you give in, you cut it down to get it round, you re on the wrong side
you will never know
You re waiting long, when the mirror said you ll win
If you give in, to toe the line just to try
Until you run, and you show
until you run
How many games didn t you play, wanna be made, you re no hero
Joe go risk a glow, you re no hero, you will never know
How many games didn t you play, and doing wrong, joe go risk a glow
Wanna be made, to toe the line just to try
Haircut and shave, you will never know Lu, haircut and shave
You are doing wrong, if you give in, anti-collision-light
You will never know, you cut it down
Joe go risk a glow, wanna be made
And doing wrong, you will never know, when the mirror said you ll win
Until you go, you are doing wrong
Joe go risk a glow, you will never know
You re still afraid, ask the mirror joe and then just go Blow, how many times did you deny
You are doing wrong, you gonna fake Lu, you re waiting long
You re no hero, you cut it down
risk a blister
you re waiting long
If someone says, how many more names
Risk a blister, if you give in