So wrong to say that i m in it for the fame, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes, thought we were in this together fighting for our people s sake
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, guess i was wrong there instead you re acting like a deceiving snake, cause you don t know me
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, i m sick and tired of the bullshit, you don t even know my name
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, no one cares about the truth Tired, backstabbing rumors and lies out of proportion enormous by size
i m sick and tired of the bullshit
no one cares about the truth
i m sick and tired of the bullshit
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, backstabbing rumors and lies out of proportion enormous by size
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, you don t even know my name and, guess i was wrong there instead you re acting like a deceiving snake
cause you don t know me
And you will never know, guess i was wrong there instead you re acting like a deceiving snake, i m sick and tired of the bullshit
No one cares about the truth, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes
No one cares about the truth, no one cares about the truth
you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes
No one cares about the truth, you don t even know my name
No one cares about the truth, i m sick and tired of the bullshit
You don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes, i m sick and tired of the bullshit
You say you know me well and you know my kind i say you don t, you don t even knwo my name, i m sick and tired of the bullshit
And you will never know, i m sick and tired of the bullshit and, waste your breath on someone else
cause you don t know me
Waste your breath on someone else, you don t even knwo my name
I m sick and tired of the bullshit, and you will never know
Cause you don t know me, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes
Thought we were in this together fighting for our people s sake, you don t even know my name, so wrong to say that i m in it for the fame
cause you don t know me
you say you know me well and you know my kind i say you don t
You don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes, no one cares about the truth
No one cares about the truth, cause you don t know me
waste your breath on someone else
Thought we were in this together fighting for our people s sake, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes
Waste your breath on someone else, i m sick and tired of the bullshit Sick, you say that money is the one thing on my mind i say you re wrong
Waste your breath on someone else, you say you know me well and you know my kind i say you don t
so wrong to say that i m in it for the fame
You say you know me well and you know my kind i say you don t, and you will never know, waste your breath on someone else
waste your breath on someone else
so wrong to say that i m in it for the fame
guess i was wrong there instead you re acting like a deceiving snake
You don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes, you don t know how it feels to walk a mile in my shoes
So called comerades of the cause most times i don t know friends or foes, guess i was wrong there instead you re acting like a deceiving snake
And you will never know, waste your breath on someone else
cause you don t know me